Moto Sport Switzerland We are Happy that Patrick Shiffmann from MotoSport participated in our tour September 2018, and wrote a great article of riding off-road in the South of Sweden.
Dime We are very proud that Hiroe Ohmori participated our tour in May 2019! It was a very good ride and she wrote a very good article in the Japanese magazine Dime for us. Thank you very much Hiroe!
Lucklly Anders Adolfsson participated our tour and wrote this article for Swedish XBike
Martin Fitz-Gibbons and Chippy Woods made a great article from the 7 days adventure 2017. We are very happy that these guys wanted to participate in our tour. Click on this link to get their article in the Ride Magazine.
Endurista magazine Angelo Gambino from Italy made this video and wrote this great report from the 7 days tour. (Click the text button for English text). Thanks Angelo for a great Video and Report, we like to thank you a lot for participating our tour. I would like to add a comment regarding our visit at the Pizza restaurant in the video, they had some better guests than us, the Swedish King has been there as well i heard, but i have no idea of his opinion of the spaghetti…
John Westlake wrote a very interesting article in MCN march 2016. We are happy that John wanted to participate in our tour. Click on this link to read his article.
Twan Hulshof experienced the 7 days adventure 2016 and wrote a very good report of the tour. Issue number 20 from 2016. We are very happy that Twan wanted to participate in our tour.